Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day Seven

Well my word count is 13,688 which means I lost my great lead in but I'm still ahead and still writing. I need to pull it a little more together and get more plot aware because I'm kind of writing all over the place.

My SIL is still in the hospital and not looking to be out yet. Her white cells are up but red cells are down and now there's a need for an endoscopy and check out if she had kidney stones. It's ridiculous.

There probably won't be any more chemo because this reaction just trumps any good the chemo might do. Yeah, the drug is effective but unfortunately it killed the patient. Nah.... even the doctor is recoiling.So we're all just waiting to see what's going to happen next.

My daughter went and shot guns again today. And I'm going to turn in.

Tomorrow is another day and hopefully about 2000 more Nano words.


  1. Please give your SIL my best. I think of her a lot. Life is most definitely not fair and I hate this is happening to her. This is how bad people should be punished.

    And keep on doing good with your nano. 'Cause I want to read that book!

  2. Oh gah, that's horrible--I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts, hoping things will improve. Even a little bit better, is still better, yes?

    Take care of yourself--writing this book is making you happy, so don't let go of that joy. Don't let go of yourself, you too are important. (((Lori)))

    (and hugs to Miz Mollie too)
